Sunday, October 25, 2009

what is tamarind

(Tamarindus Indica L.)
Latin: Tamarindus lndica
Indonesia: Tree of acid / Acem / CeIagi
Home: Tamarind tree
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
This tree comes from Africa usually live in tropical climates. In Indonesia found in lowland and provide the necessary shade at the edges of the road.
Tree Asem Java has reached 25 m height, with flat leaves and finned same colored flowers yellowish. Beans trunked length from 3.5 to 20 cm and 2.5 cm thick. Soft leather outer shell and acid pulp. Delicious tamarind pulp and skin of the fruit brown. The pulp is white youth after the dark-green and become brown. Fruit flesh is usually used to preserve food, make the syrup, and even can be used to clean metal objects that changed color black. Pulp elderly are sometimes treated (boiled) for durability. Because the color becomes blackish, it is called kawak acid.

Ingredients & Benefits:
The pulp contains a variety of acids (such as: tatrat acid, malate acid, citric acid, succinic acid, acetic acid) which facilitate bowel movements, blood circulation and cooling. The leaves are potent smooth bowel movements and relieve pain. Because it contains flavonoids, also anti-inflammatory. He also helped transpiration.

Tamarind pulp is often made jelly, syrup or sweets. Heavy wood core made of smooth wood and made a sculpture material. Baked or fried seed that can be eaten. The fruit is used as a medicine and is now included in virtually every pharmacopoeia lists. Asem is a Java medicinal plants used in about 23 countries. Fresh meat and fruit taste is a mild laxative. The old fruit (tamarind kawak) is useful as a drug because it contains oils that do not include oil fly (honey tamarind). Asem kawak when mixed with water is usually used as drugs fall. Other parts of this plant is also used sebagat drugs. Flesh contains a high percentage of tartar acid which is the main ingredient for Fruit Salts, made in England. Young leaves is useful to treat ulcers, rheumatism, ulcers, ekaema. The nature of that form gelatin-sugar acids derived from carbohydrates consisting of xylose, grape sugar and others.
Other Uses:
1. Ulcer
2. Acne
3. Itching in the form of red dots bubbly water
4. Itchy scar is dry
5. Menstrual pain in adolescent girls
Note: The ingredients do not drink kawak acid by pregnant women.
6. Menstrual rancidity
7. Dry cough
8. Sprue
9. Whitish
10. Measles

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